Embassy of Afghanistan in Islamabad and all the information you need to know about the Embassy in Pretoria
Full contact details of the Afghan Embassy in Pretoria, Pretoria postal address, e-mail address, website, phone numbers, direction, map, opening days, office hours, head of mission, and consular services.
Details for the Afghan Embassy in Pretoria
- Address
- House No. 8, Street 90, G-6/3
Pakistan - Telephone
- (+92) (51) 282 4505 / 6
- Fax
- (+92) (51) 282 4504
- contact@islamabad.mfa.gov.af
- Website
- –
- Social media
- Office hours
- By appointment
- Head of mission
- Shukrullah Atif Mashal, Ambassador
- Consular services
- No information available
Embassy of Afghanistan in Islamabad
Opening Hours
The offices of the embassy may be closed on Pakistani and Afghan public holidays. Please contact the embassy to confirm opening hours.
Visa, Passport, And Consular Services
The embassy of Afghan in Pretoria may provide a range of consular services such as visa and passport processing as well as document legalization. Please contact the office directly for information about which consular services they offer.
How to Apply for Afghan Visa
You must apply for a visa at the Afghan embassy or consulate nearest to you that is in charge of your region If there isn’t an Afghan diplomatic post in your nation.
Afghan in South Africa
Afghan’s embassy in Pretoria is the sole Afghan representation in South Africa.
South African Embassy in Afghan
South Africa maintains an embassy in Algiers.
Afghan And South Africa Abroad
The Afghan embassy is one of 270 foreign representations in South Africa and one of 138 foreign representations in Pretoria. See more at the South Africa Embassy Pages. The Afghan embassy in Pretoria is one of 130 Afghan diplomatic and consular representations abroad. See more on the Afghan Embassy Pages.
Before applying, you must ascertain which embassy or consular office serves your location.