
Healthnicon Pretoria Campus Online Application 2023/2024

Lydenburg Hospital Nursing School Online Application

Healthnicon Pretoria Campus Online Application 2023/2024 Intake, Application fee, admission entry requirements, Healthnicon Pretoria Campus Enrolled, Programmes duration, prospectus, open day, Healthnicon Pretoria Campus Application closing date, Official website, Healthnicon Pretoria Campus contact details, and fee structure for 2023/2024 academic year.

Healthnicon Pretoria Campus Online Application


We are pleased and excited to announce to you that the Healthnicon Pretoria Campus Online Application 2023/2024 is open for all interested and qualified applicants. We are not just making this announcement known but also providing various steps on how to apply online for the Healthnicon Pretoria Campus Online Application 2023/2024


It is a known fact that the number of nursing applicants yearly is on the rise


Nursing is one of the most admired courses in the world, and Nurses are the most caring of healthcare professionals.

Therefore, getting a job as a nurse is no small feat as you would have already gone through a lot of Exams and evidently performed well to be entertained or afforded the chance.


Nonetheless, going to a reputable institution of learning will relieve you of so much stress and that’s why we are talking about this institution today here on

Healthnicon Pretoria Campus Online Application 2023/2024

The Healthnicon Pretoria Campus as well as the South African Nursing Council (SANC) online admission application form for prospective candidates that seek admission into the Healthnicon Pretoria Campus for the 2023/2024 year has been released.

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The Healthnicon Pretoria Campus offers training in association with various private and state hospitals and community facilities, whereby they gain practical experience under the guidance of our Educators as Registered Nurses.


Why Choose Healthnicon Pretoria Campus

  • we offer competent Educators, in a safe and secure environment.
  • Receive accredited training.
  • We have a well-equipped simulation laboratory where you can practice your clinical skills before entering the clinical environment.

South African Nursing Council (SANC)

South African Nursing Council is the body entrusted to set and maintain standards of nursing education and practice in the Republic of South Africa.  It is an autonomous, financially independent, statutory body, initially established by the Nursing Act, of 1944 (Act No. 45 of 1944), and currently operating under the Nursing Act, of 2005 (Act No. 33 of 2005).


Setting and Monitoring of Standards

In terms of Section 3 of the Nursing Act, of 2005, the Nursing Council is to establish, improve and control conditions, standards, and quality of nursing education and training.

Section 4 of the Nursing Act makes provision for the accreditation and inspection of nursing education institutions, the monitoring of assessments conducted by accredited institutions, the conducting of nursing examinations, and the granting of diplomas and certificates.


Section 58(1)(f) of the Nursing Act, 2005 provides for the making of regulations relating to qualifications and the conditions to be complied with, which entitle a person to be registered as a nursing practitioner (education and training regulations).

SEE ALSO ⇒  Healthnicon Pretoria Campus Application Form 2024/2025

The South African Nursing Council is involved in the monitoring of Nursing standards by:

  • Registering nurse practitioners, therefore permitting them to practise as nurses;
  • Accreditation of new nursing education institutions and nursing education programmes;
  • Inspection of nursing education institutions and clinical facilities;
  • Constantly reviewing nursing education and training to be in line with the needs of the Republic of South Africa; and
  • Providing counseling and guidance to the nursing profession regarding the implementation of nursing education and training policies.

How to Apply to Healthnicon Pretoria Campus Online Application 2023/2024

Note You can use a desktop computer, laptop, notebook, tablet, smartphone, or any other internet-enabled device to access the Healthnicon Pretoria Campus online Application whenever you need it, from any location, with an online connection by following the links provided respectively.


To apply or check Healthnicon Pretoria Campus Requirements, kindly follow this link to > Healthnicon Pretoria Campus Student Portal < to visit the Healthnicon Pretoria Campus Website:

Please Use the Comment Section Below if You Have Any Questions, Comments, Errors, or Ideas About This Topic (Healthnicon Pretoria Campus Online Application 2023/2024). We Will Respond as Soon as We Can, Good Luck.

For more information and inquiries, you can the South African Nursing Council (SANC) by visiting the official website or campus.


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