
Walter Sisulu University (WSU) Application Status Check

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Walter Sisulu University (WSU) Check your application status

Walter Sisulu University (WSU): Check your application status

Did you have submitted your application to study at Walter Sisulu University (WSU) you would like to check the status of your application to the university for your programme of study?


WSU Student Portal Login


Walter Sisulu University (WSU) have an online platform to check the status of your application and you can track the processing of your online application at any time you want.


⇒ Walter Sisulu University WhatsApp Number

Once you have applied and have received the acknowledgement letter, you may use the login details on such a letter to track the process of your application. To do that navigate to the login screen and log in using the details given in the acknowledgement letter.

Check Your Application Status

  1. Goto the Walter Sisulu University Admission Portal via

SEE ALSO ⇒  Seneca Student Home Login Blackboard
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