What Is A Pass Mark At Unisa? www.unisa.ac.za
What Is A Pass Mark At Unisa Examination?
An examination (exam) is an educational assessment intended to measure the student’s (test-takers) knowledge, skill, aptitude, physical fitness, or classification in many other topics. In every academic year, Unisa always conducts an examination to put their students into a test at the end of every semester to know their academic performance during and after an examination has been conducted.
Within the exam period, students are expected to pass an average mark after their exams have been graded. In the year 2023, UNISA requires an average pass mark of 50% from every student.
One paper is scheduled to be written at the end of the semester. The examination paper is a CLOSED-BOOK paper with about 60% multiple choice questions and 40% written questions. The type of questions is similar (take note not the same) to those in the three assignments.
Unisa Semester Exams Date For 2023
The final dates for the examination will be confirmed later in the year. It is YOUR responsibility to make sure of the final dates. Final dates can be found on the SOL main page https://sol.unisa.ac.za – follow the link to Examination Time Table.
The following is the PRELIMINARY date for the exams for the academic year 2023:
Semester 1: The examination date for the 1st semester at Unisa for 2023 is dated 7th June
Semester 2: The examination date for the 2nd semester at Unisa for 2023 is dated 5th November
There is NO supplementary examination for students who miss the exams. Students who miss the papers will have to re-enrol for the next course to be able to write the exams at the end of the next semester. However, this is not an automatic procedure, students have to enrol as though they enroll for the first time. UNISA requires an average mark of 50% for a pass.
Unisa Semester Exams Duration For 2023
- The scheduled duration of each paper is 3 hours.
How Many Chances Does A Student At Unisa Have To Write Exams For A Course?
A course has only one examination per semester. No supplementary papers are available for students who did not write the examination at the end of their course. According to Unisa regulations, students must write their examinations in the academic semester that they are enrolled.
This means that a student who has, for example, submitted all assignments in the first semester of 2023, but for some reason misses the exams, CANNOT sit for the examination in November 2023. Only REGISTERED students may write examinations, and if a student misses the dates for the exams in June 2023, he or she has to re-register (pay registration fees) again in July 2023 to be eligible to write the examination.
What Are The Unisa Examination Requirements For Unisa 2023
Students preparing for exams keep the following documentation safely and take it along to the examination venue:
- Registration letter (you will receive this early in the year – it contains your student number as well as the courses that you are enrolled for.)
- Examination letter from the Registrar (you should receive a letter, usually in September, from the Examinations Department, confirming your exam dates and venue).
What Is A Pass Mark At Unisa?
Note: Unisa depends on the public postal system, so it, unfortunately, happens that post that is sent out, do not reach their destinations in time. If you have not received the above documentation by mid-September, it is YOUR responsibility to contact UNISA (you can contact our secretary at havene@unisa.ac.za or (012) 4296089). Semester Pass Mark
You must also take your ID book or Passport along to the examination venue.
How To Calculate A Unisa Semester Exams Pass Mark For 2023
The year-mark contribution towards the final examination mark is calculated as follows:
- 50% of the mark obtained for assignment 01 Plus
- 50% of the mark obtained for assignment 02
If you only submit assignment 01, your year mark will be 50% of the mark obtained for this assignment. This will then be your year mark out of a possible 100%. If, for example, you obtain 80% for assignment 01 and 0% for assignment 02, your year mark will be 40%. Unisa Exam Results 2023
According to university policy, you require a sub-minimum of 40% in the examination before your year mark is taken into consideration. In other words, if you do not obtain at least 40% in the examination, you will automatically fail, and your final mark will be the mark you obtained in the examination.
A final mark of 50% is required to pass this module. This final mark is calculated as follows:
(10% x of the year mark) + (90% x mark obtained in the examination)
Contact Unisa
General resources: websites, general SMS, fax and e-mail enquiries. A number of administrative processes, including the convenience of fee payments and information about examinations, are available on the following platforms: All application, registration and study-related information are available on the Unisa corporate website in both web and Mobi formats:
- Unisa website (https://www.unisa.ac.za)
- The myUnisa website.
- myUnisa (https://my.unisa.ac.za/)
- Fax enquiries to 012 429 4150
When you are registered for a course, it means you have also indicated which Unisa examination venue you find the most convenient. Should you move, or want to change this, you must do so BEFORE the end of March (semester 1) or July (Semester 2) by contacting the Examination Department for all venue enquiries at (012) 429 4155. Visit Unisa for more details.