How to Apply for East London Management Institute (ELMI) 2024/2025: The ELMI Application 2024/2025 Admission Registration Form has been released, and has brought the step-by-step guide to help the Applicant access the ELMI Online Application Form 2024/2025.
How to Apply for ELMI 2024/2025
Online Application for Admission to East London Management Institute (ELMI) 2024/2025 undergraduate Qualifications (Higher Certificates, advanced certificates, diplomas, advanced diplomas and degrees) will be open Soon and close for not to miss always be checking on this page’s follow up…
Everyone wanting to start a new qualification at ELMI for 2024 must apply for admission. This kind of application includes:
- All first-time ELMI applicants.
- Those who previously applied for admission and were not offered a space.
- All those who were offered a space, accepted the offer and did not register.
- Students completing a higher certificate or any other programme and wish to continue with further undergraduate studies.
Your admission to ELMI will only depend on you meeting the specific admission requirements for your chosen qualification. If you don’t qualify for your chosen programme, your application will not be processed. You may also pay an online application fee like R125.00 once you have received a student number from ELMI.
SEE ALSO: ELMI Online Application 2024/2025
Supporting Documents for ELMI Application 2024/2025
Apply applicants must ensure that documents are scanned and uploaded to an electronic device before starting the application process. Below is a list of supporting documents for your online application:
- A copy of your school qualification such as Senior Certificate
- A copy of your marriage certificate or divorce decree (if applicable)
- Copy of your ID document (RSA students) or ID/passport (international students).
- You’re sworn translations of documents if they are not in English or Afrikaans.
- Copy of your official tertiary academic record (if applicable).
SEE ALSO:⇒ How to Upload Documents at ELMI
Apply to Study at ELMI for 2024/2025
The ELMI Application for Admission to the 2024/2025 academic year is basically online. To submit an online application, follow the step-by-step below:
- Go to ELMI website: Scroll down
- Click on Apply for Admission at the top menu of the page
- Select two (2) possible qualifications and rank them in order of preference
- Fill out the online form and make sure your application is complete
- Then, upload your supporting documents. Documents must be certified within the last three (3) months.
- Pay the application fee once you’ve received a student number from ELMI
- Submit your application for evaluation. You will receive an SMS or email message after ELMI has finish evaluating the application.
SEE ALSO: ELMI Late Application 2024/2025
Contact ELMI for More Help
For more information on how to apply to ELMI, you can visit the official website.
- ELMI Website:
Possibility, you can contact ELMI Admissions Department using the Link
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