How To Open A Citibank Account In South Africa – Having an account where one can deposit money and make transfers without making or having any losses is good. A bank account is a dependable means to keep your money secure as you are earning interest. Many jobs today require you to have a bank account to receive your salary.
Is it your first time opening a bank account and you don’t know where to start? Simply visit any South African Bank with your ID book and proof of residence to open a bank account that suits your needs.
How To Open A Citibank Account In South Africa
What is Required to Open a Bank Account:
- South African ID book or a valid passport with the important study/work permit
Note: Green barcoded ID book or smartcards only - Proof of residence
Note: Utility bills or a bank letter completed by your landlord, local chief, or Councillor.With a Vital transactional account, you can:
- Withdraw cash at ATMs
- Deposit cash into your accounts
- Swipe your debit card at till points
- Receive SMS notifications of your transactions
- Bank from your cellphone at a minimal cost
Who can open a bank account in South Africa?
- South African citizens
- Foreign national bodies living in South Africa.
To open an account in Absa Bank click here