Letaba Tvet College Bursaries Nsfas Application Portal
The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) provides higher education funding to Letaba TVET College students.
Application Cycles
National Certificate Vocation (NC(v)), Semester 1 and Trimester 1 – Annual – online application and walk-in assistive capture application at the beginning of each year, Trimesters 2 & 3 as per the DHET calendar, in May and September respectively, also Walk-in assistive capture application, Semester 2 June – July walk-in, assistive capture application
What are the requirements for TVET students to be funded?
- Must be a South African citizen
- Must be registered or intending to register on a PLP, NC(V), or Report 191 programme at any of the fifty (50) public TVET Colleges in South Africa
- Must be in need of financial assistance
- Should you be a returning student, you must demonstrate proven and accepted academic performance in line with the College’s progression policy or the progression prescriptions of the Bursary Rules and Guidelines (whichever is higher)
- Must not be enrolling for a qualification that duplicates previous learning that was state-funded
- Household income is less than R350,000 per year
⇒ NSFAS Application : www.nsfas.org.za
Where to apply for TVET College funding?
You can apply through:
- Letaba TVET College TVET college bursary offices
- Online
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