
Two Reasons Why Young People Find the Transition Between School and University Challenging

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Two Reasons Why Young People Find the Transition Between School and University Challenging

Two Reasons Why Young People Find the Transition Between School and University Challenging

We are happy to tell you Two Reasons Why Young People Find the Transition Between School and University Challenging – SEE full discussion below


The identified challenges include the following:

  • Universities standards are higher than high school standards. Apart from that, there is too much workload, yet little assistance (as compared to high school) at a university level. Do you want to know why? Well because students are expected to conduct and take responsibility of their own learning autonomously.
  • Loneliness and homesickness is another challenge. Going to a university for most students means, exiting the nest. At a university it is mostly common that you will be leaving by your self far away from your folks. Therefore, you are mostly posed with a significant and daunting challenge of making new friends and acquaintances

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