UNISA myLife e-mail account
New procedure to access your UNISA myLife e-mail account is below
To access your myLife e-mail account, please follow these steps:
Sponsored Link
- Go to the https://mylife.unisa.ac.za/
- Enter your full e-mail address (eg xxxxxxxx@mylife.unisa.ac.za) and your password for your myLife e-mail account.
- Select “Sign in”.
What to do if your password is not active on myLife / O365?
It may be necessary to reset your myUnisa password to synchronize it with your myLife mailbox.
- Login to myUnisa and click on “My Admin”.
- Click on the “Change Password” link.
- Complete the form to update your password. Please note that this new password will be active for both your myUnisa and myLife services.
Sponsored Link:
MyUNISA Email, MyUNISA Login My Admin Assignments,
MyUNISA My Life, MyUNISA Results
Important information
During peak periods, it may take approximately 30 minutes for the new password to activate on the myLife service. If you are still experiencing problems after resetting your password, please send an e-mail to MyLifeHelp@unisa.ac.za for assistance.
What is the difference between myUnisa and myLife?
#myUnisa is the official student portal for students where you can access your module resources, submit assignments, and interact with other students and with your e-tutor or group. myLife is your official Unisa email account for all communication with Unisa and your lecturers.