
Abet Matric Registration Closing Date 2023

Different Types of Matric Exemption Certificates

Abet Matric Registration Closing Date 2023

There are many people in South Africa who fortunately do not require Basic Education skills as they are able to read and write read. However, just being able to read and write does not guarantee success. Many of these people may have failed matric or not have had the opportunity to complete their schooling to the matric level. On this page, you will find general information on completing matric. Other pages in this section include who offers matric courses, obtaining your matric results, and doing matric online.

Abet Matric Registration Closing Date


With an estimated 4.4 million illiterate adults (DHET, 2019), this website aims to provide information on adult basic education and training (ABET) in South Africa – information for people wanting to become involved in ABET either as learners or educators. We hope we have at least one part of the way to facilitating this very important aspect of education in South Africa.


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Abet Matric Registration 2023 Closing Date,


What is adult matric?

Not everyone has had the opportunity to complete their schooling to matric level and if they have had the opportunity, there are many people who were not able to complete their matric due to circumstances beyond their control or who just didn’t have the right support. Often you find that several years later you are in a situation where you need to have a matric certificate in order to advance your career, find a job, or obtain a promotion. If this is the case and you are over the age of 21, there are a number of opportunities for you to obtain that much-needed matric certificate.

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Having said that, if you do not already possess a grade 9 certificate, many organizations that offer adult matric will require you to take ABET classes to write the grade 9 exams before studying further for your matric. The matric exams typically include material from grades 10 to 12. That is why it is important to leave yourself enough time to study 3 years of work before writing the matric exam. Adult matric is also known as the Amended Senior Certificate (ASC).


Abet Matric Registration Closing Date 2023

Matriculation is the ultimate aim for all students. After matriculation, you can pursue university studies, enhancing your chances of finding a better job with a higher salary. ABET stands for Adult Basic Education and Training.

Concerning registration with an AET center
Do you wish to receive a basic education as an adult or a young person? It is not too late to enroll in an Adult Education and Training (AET) program.


AET is an outcomes-based curriculum that seeks to provide you with fundamental learning tools, information, and abilities, as well as nationally recognized certificates.


Anyone who did not complete conventional schooling and wants to get qualifications in a flexible setting may enroll in any AET center. Placement examinations may be administered by AET centers to assess if you are at AET level one, two, or three.


What you must do
Register at your local AET center.
Please include your birth certificate or identity papers, as well as any school documents.

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Adult schools near me

Abet school list

How To Check Old Matric Results Online

  • Step 1: Visit the Department of Basic Education (DBE) website.
  • Step 2: Select the quick link for the exam results.
  • Step 3: Insert your examination numbers.
  • Step 4: You might need to provide more personal information.
  • Step 5: Click the search button and your Matric results will appear.

LATEST- How to Check Matric Results Online 2023


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