
Department of Agriculture Deeds Registration Clerk (x3 Posts) 2023 | How to Apply

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The Department of Agriculture Deeds Registration Clerk (x3 Posts) Application form is available for all positions, qualifications, and how to apply and other important vacancies are published, All Eligible and interested applicants should apply before the UNIUYO deadline here on

Department of Agriculture Deeds Registration Clerk (x3 Posts)


Full Detail of Department of Agriculture Deeds Registration Clerk (x3 Posts) 2023 | How to Apply

Deeds Registration Clerk – Office of The Registrar of Deeds

  • SALARY: R128 166 per annum (Level 03)
  • CENTRE: Gauteng (Johannesburg)

Requirements :

Applicants must be in possession of a Grade 10 Certificate. No experience. Ability to identify, classify and record a large variety of official documents. Knowledge of records management. Computer literacy. Filing skills. Archiving skills. Communication skills (verbal and written). Good interpersonal skills. Liaison skills. Time management and Client relations.



Archive deeds documents. Sort deeds, documents, interdicts, plans, diagrams and gazette. Bind deeds, documents, interdicts, plans, diagrams and gazette. Number volumes. Report faulty equipment, Convey deeds, documents, office supplies, furniture and equipment. Collect and deliver deeds, documents and posts between various sections and other institutions. Move furniture/office supplies and equipment. Maintain volumes, micro rolls and all other documents. Draw, deliver and file volumes/files / micro rolls. Provide feedback to the requester if unobtainable. Search for unobtainable volumes, micro rolls and documents and report. Check for missing numbers and report. Repair worn-out and damaged volumes. Maintain the strong rooms. Collect and return strong room keys. Open and lock strong rooms/shutters. Report unauthorised access to the supervisor.
ENQUIRIES: Ms L Maloka / Mr H Nkwinika Tel No: (011) 843 8338 / 8300


How to Apply for Department of Agriculture Deeds Registration Clerk (x3 Posts)

NOTE: Apply Early with your good qualifications, when the shortlisted name is out you will be info fast

SEE ALSO ⇒  Unilever In-Service Trainee Programme | How to Apply


Please ensure that you send your application to P.O Box 61873, Johannesburg 2107 or Hand deliver it to the Office of the Registrar of Deeds: Johannesburg at Marble Towers, Street, Johannesburg, 2107 before the closing date as no late applications will be considered.


NOTE: Coloured, Indian and White Males and African, Coloured, Indian and White Females and Persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.

Application Note

The application must include only a completed and signed new Z83 Form, obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) website link: and a detailed Curriculum Vitae. Certified copies of the Identity Document, Grade 12 Certificate and the highest required qualifications as well as a driver’s licence where necessary will only be submitted by shortlisted candidates to Human Resources on or before the day of the interview date. Failure to do so will result in your application being disqualified. Foreign qualifications must be accompanied by an evaluation report issued by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA). It is the applicant’s responsibility to have all foreign qualifications evaluated by SAQA and to provide proof of such evaluation report (only when shortlisted).


Please ensure that you submit your application before the closing date as no late applications will be considered. If you apply for more than 1 post, please submit separate applications for each post that you apply for. Due to the large number of applications the Department envisage receiving, applications will not be acknowledged.

SEE ALSO ⇒  Zeraki Job Vacancy 2023 | How to Apply

Should you not be contacted within 3 months of the closing date of the advertisement, please consider your application to be unsuccessful. Should, during any stage of the recruitment process, a moratorium be placed on the filling of posts or the Department be affected by any process such as, but not limited to, restructuring or reorganization of posts, the Department reserves the right to cancel the recruitment process and re-advertise the post at any time in the future.


Important: DALRRD is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer. It is our intention to promote representativity in DALRRD through the filling of posts.

The Department reserves the right not to fill a position. Shortlisted candidates will be required to be available for assessments and interviews at a date and time determined by the Department.


All shortlisted candidates will be subjected to Personnel Suitability Checks. The successful candidate will be subjected to undergo security vetting. DALRRD will conduct reference checks which may include the social media profiles of the shortlisted candidates. Applicants must declare any pending criminal, disciplinary or any other allegations or investigations against them. Should this be uncovered during/after the interview took place, the application will not be considered and in the unlikely event that the person has been appointed such appointment will be terminated.

The successful candidate will be appointed subject to positive results of the security clearance process. The successful candidate will be required to enter into an employment contract and sign a performance agreement with the Department. All applicants are required to declare any conflict or perceived conflict of interest and to disclose memberships of Boards and directorships that they may be associated with.

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