
How Long Does NSFAS Fund You

How Long Does NSFAS Fund You

We are happy to info you about How Long Does NSFAS Fund You: Note you are in the right page to get information about NSFAS.

How to Apply for NSFAS


Would you be intent on applying for long-term NSFAS funds? Do you care about applying for NSFAS funds? Then you should read this article. As a result of NSFAS, poor students who earn less than R350000 a year or who earn nothing but wish to continue their education at the tertiary level will be aided to afford their education. It refers to all South African public universities and TVET colleges, specifically undergraduate institutions.


How Long Does NSFAS Fund You

There is no time range committed to the NSFAS. Based on the funds available to students during the year of application, bursaries are awarded only if they are sufficient to cover the amount required by the institution’s program and the duration of the course.


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Beneficiaries of the scheme are, however, only eligible for up to five years of benefits. During the registration period and until the end of your education, you will be eligible to receive the bursary if your course of study is up to four years long. You will have to pay the remainder of the tuition fees until you complete your course of study if it exceeds five years.

How Many Months Does NSFAS Give Allowance?

Almost all of the academic expenses of NSFAS beneficiaries are covered by their allowances. There is no charge for registration fees, lodging, transport, tuition fees, book allowance, living expenses, or personal care expenses covered by the bursary. In this way, the scheme funds its beneficiaries through a procedure. The first week of every month, students receiving funds from NSFAS receive their funds; this continues for ten months.

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How Many Times Does NSFAS Fund Students?

As per #NSFAS rules, students are only eligible for funding once they are accepted into an institution. After your application has been approved, you will receive funding. The NSFAS does not fund more than one program at a time.

How Do I Know If NSFAS No Longer Funds Me?

In the event that you are a beneficiary, NSFAS will not just withdraw its support of providing a bursary for your education.


The benefits you receive will not be nullified until there is a cause for it. Your education will not be funded if you don’t meet NSFAS’ academic requirements.


This means you need to receive a grade of 50% in your courses. Once you have visited the MYNSFAS portal to track your application status, you will know that you are no longer a beneficiary of NSFAS.


It is only after you have completed the following steps that you can track your application status;

⇒ How to Check your NSFAS Application Status

  • Step 1: Go to and log in there.
  • Step 2: Choose the MYNSFAS account
  • Step 3: Enter your username and password
  • Step 4: Select the login button
  • Step 5: Click Track Application Progress

You can find all the information about the funds from NSFAS here. Your eligibility for the program will be determined then.


Your education will cease to be funded by NSFAS if you defer your studies for an entire academic year. Reapply when ready to retake the course if you wish to continue receiving benefits from the scheme.

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Can NSFAS Fund You for More Than 5 Years?

Financial aid from NSFAS can only be received for a maximum of five years. Additional courses beyond five years will be charged. In contrast, the N+2 rule is modified after completing a degree or attaining a qualification, requiring a reread of other courses and modules.

You will receive a bursary from NSFAS for the next two years if you are able to attain a degree within three or four years. If you need to repeat a course or module, NSFAS will support you for another two years. In accordance with the N+2 rule, you can only benefit from the scheme if you’ve been enrolled in a course of study at the institution for at least two years.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How long does NSFAS fund students?

A: NSFAS provides funding for the duration of a student’s approved undergraduate qualification. The funding covers the minimum number of years required to complete the degree.

Q: What if I change my course or degree?

A: If you change your course or degree within the undergraduate level, NSFAS will continue to fund you for the minimum number of years required to complete the new qualification.

Q: Are there any conditions for continued funding?

A: Yes, NSFAS funding is subject to satisfactory academic progress. You need to meet the academic requirements set by your institution to continue receiving funding.


Q: Can I receive NSFAS funding for postgraduate studies?

A: NSFAS primarily provides funding for undergraduate studies. However, limited funding may be available for postgraduate studies in certain cases. It is best to contact NSFAS directly for more information regarding postgraduate funding opportunities.

SEE ALSO ⇒  How Many Years Can NSFAS Fund You

Q: How do I apply for NSFAS funding?

A: To apply for NSFAS funding, you need to visit the NSFAS website (insert website link) and complete the online application form. Make sure to check the application deadlines and submit all required documentation.

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NSFAS (National Student Financial Aid Scheme) provides funding for the duration of a student’s approved undergraduate qualification.


The funding covers the minimum number of years required to complete the degree. If a student changes their course or degree within the undergraduate level, NSFAS will continue to fund them for the minimum number of years required to complete the new qualification.

However, continued funding is subject to satisfactory academic progress, and students must meet the academic requirements set by their institution.

While NSFAS primarily focuses on undergraduate studies, limited funding may be available for postgraduate studies in certain cases.


It is advisable to contact NSFAS directly for more information on postgraduate funding opportunities.

To apply for NSFAS funding, students need to visit the NSFAS website and complete the online application form, ensuring they meet all required documentation and deadlines.

NSFAS Contact Centre



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