
How to Apply for NSFAS 2024/2025

How Long Does NSFAS Fund You

How to Apply for NSFAS 2024/2025 – The online application for the National Students Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) for the academic year opens September to November. All students considering applying should take note of the deadlines.

If you are a student who wishes to further their studies at public universities or TVET colleges but do not have the financial means to, NSFAS is a government entity under the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) that aims to help students with their educational finances.

NSFAS Student Loans and Bursaries in South Africa

The bursary will cover the following fees: registration fees, tuition fees, accommodation, living allowance, transportation and learning materials need to align with the latest DHET guidelines.


Who Qualifies for NSFAS Funding?

  • All South African citizens.
  • All SASSA grant recipients qualify for funding.
  • Applicants whose combined household income is not more than R350 000 per annum.
  • Persons with disability: Combined household income must not be more than R600 000 per annum.
  • Students who started studying before 2018 whose household income is not more than R122 000 per annum.

What You’ll Need to Apply for NSFAS

Please note that for your application to be processed, you must provide a completed application form accompanied by all the supporting documents.


You must write your identification number on every page of all your supporting documents for your application to be processed.

NSFAS will not be able to process applications without an ID number.

You will need the following supporting documents to apply – online or at the university:

  • Copy of a valid South Africa green barcoded ID for yourself and everyone else in your family. If you are still under the age of 18 years or don’t have an identity book yet, you can certify your birth certificate and apply.
  • A letter from your employer or anyone in the family that supports you. They can provide recent payslips or letter of employment
  • If your parents or the person who supports you or your legal guardian are retired, please provide a copy of an official pension slip or bank statement showing pension payment.
  • If your parents or the person who supports you or your legal guardian works as an informal trader, please provide an affidavit signed by them to confirm this employment.
  • Certified copy of a SASSA letter if any of your family members are receiving a social grant and are also contributing to your household income. This also applies to your legal guardian.
  • If you have indicated that a dependent in your household is a student, please provide proof of registration or acceptance at the TVET college or university for each dependent.
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How to Apply for NSFAS

Please ensure that all documents are certified and not older than three months.


3 Simple Ways to Apply for NSFAS

There are many ways you can apply for NSFAS funding.

  1. Apply online
  2. Apply on campus at the NSFAS offices
  3. Apply at your nearest NYDA Centre

1. Apply online

To apply online is very easy and quick.


Simply visit and register your user account. This will help you track your journey with NSFAS and keep your details up-to-date.

Most importantly, to complete the registration process, you will need a working cellphone number and email address. The system is going to use either your cell or email to verify your account.


Once your account is fully registered and activated, proceed to apply for funding online.

Click on the “APPLY” tab and complete your NSFAS application.

Quick Note:


Before filling the application form with your details, you will need scanned copies of all the supporting documents. [Will discuss these documents later in the article]

When you’re happy with the information provided and have uploaded the documents, submit your application and wait for a reference number.

You will use the reference number to follow up and check your application status.

Known NSFAS issues

Many students struggle to make applications online whereby they forget login passwords. And well, with the improved NSFAS system, you can just rest your password instantly.

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2. Apply on-campus at the NSFAS offices

If for whatever reason, you don’t have access to a stable internet to apply online, you can still apply at the university or college you want to further your studies.

Each university or college that works with NSFAS in South Africa – has its Financial Aid office on campus.

This makes the NSFAS application process seamless. All you need to do is visit those offices and collect relevant forms.


Consultants will guide you through the application process. If you’re missing supporting documents, they will give you many chances to perfect your application.

Very important note: NSFAS applications must be submitted before the announced closing date of the year.

3. Apply at your nearest NYDA Centre

Again, if the university you’re applying to is a bit far from where you stay – worry no more. You can apply for funding at any of your provincial/regional NYDA offices.


NYDA has offices nationwide, in popular cities for ease of access.

When you get there, please ask for a consultant to explain the process in detail. You need to also read the forms to familiarize yourself with them.

Complete the form, provide supporting documents and submit your application through NYDA.


You will be given a small acknowledgment of the receipt card as a reference to your NSFAS application.

That’s all. You’ve got plenty of options to make your funding application in your academic year.

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⇒ How to Appeal for NSFAS Rejection 2024

It happens to a lot of students when their applications get rejected by NSFAS.

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There’s a simple process you can follow to appeal to NSFAS to reconsider your application.

NSFAS could reject your application for various reasons.


Start your appeal process online.

  1. Login to MyNSFAS and track your application status.
  2. If your application message states unsuccessful, click on the submit appeal tab.
    Here, you’ll see the reason why they rejected your application.
  3. You need to write down and motivate (1000 words) all the reasons why your application must be reconsidered.
  4. Submit the required documents and click the submit appeal button.

How Long Will You Have to Wait?

Every application is treated differently, each student is evaluated from the day they submit their application, but the NSFAS process is supposed to take about 4 to 6 weeks for each applicant to receive a response in their status section.

At most, it should take 30 days for NSFAS to approve your application. However, in some cases it may take longer due to background checks and the verification process.


Within this time, you should not try to reapply but rather students are therefore encouraged to continuously check their NSFAS application status a few days after they submit their application for funding.


NSFAS is a student funding organization by the government of South Africa.

They finance potential students coming from unprivileged families.


It’s really easy to make your #NSFAS application.

We recommend you apply online. It’s simple to apply and fast. Otherwise, you could still apply from the Financial Aid office at your chosen university or college. Alternatively, apply at your nearest provincial/regional #NYDA offices.

For more information, please contact 0800 067 327 and speak to a professional consultant.


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